Friday, March 30, 2012

Starting My Weight-loss Plan

So lately I have felt sort of disgusted with the way i look lately. I have really let myself go since getting married. I hate that, and I need to do something about it.

So before Josh and I try to start a family, I need to get my health on track. Not to mention that since I have PCOS, i need to put my health first. So I am going to work on me and start back on dieting and changing my lifestyle to better benefit a healthier life.

It isn't just going to be about losing weight, even though that is a big goal of mine. It is also to change the way I eat to stay healthy and keep the weight off. I want children, and I also want to be around to enjoy my children when I have them.

The Plan:

While I am still working out the exact diet I will go by, I do have some things I am going to cut out or cut back on.

So first I am cutting Soda, and I will only be drinking water. Also, I am going to be cutting down on eating out. My husband and I do tend to eat out a lot and that can be very bad. So I am going to cut back on eating out to maybe once a week, and when we do I will make healthier choices, such as salads or low calorie options. I am always going to prepare healthy snacks in zip-lock baggies according to their serving sizes. I am also going to try and eat more fruits and vegetables, especially in their raw form.

I am almost sure I am going to diet based on calories. I would say I will probably stay under 1300-1500 calories a day. So that's the plan. Wish me luck, and keep me in your prayers.

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